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  • Almonds
    Natural dietary food supplement, with a high content of unsaturated fat, vitamins and magnesium. Ideal food for vegetarians. The specific and original balance of minerals, vitamins, proteins and fats makes it particularly useful to strengthen the nervous system as a healthy and tasty natural antidepressant.

    Botanical name: Prunus Amygdalus/Prunus Communis
    Seed: heart-shaped
    Taste: Sweet
    Colour: Light brown, typical of this variety
    Origin: Almonds of Sicily (Italy)
    Weight: 500gr

    May contain a maximum of 2% Bitter Almonds

    Castelluccio Oil is obtained directly from cold-pressed Sicilian Moresca and Biancolilla olives. The highly anticipated olive harvesting, which takes place from beginning of September to the end of October, makes it possible to obtain a high-quality oil without any pesticide treatments that are often used in mainstream oils to tackle the olive fruit fly. The quality of Castelluccio Oil is also derived by the hilly terrain (400m above sea level) which is particularly breezy. For all these reasons and others still, it’s classified as Organic and DOP Monti Iblei Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

    Region: Sicily
    Origin: Italy
    Certifications: Organic and DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    Altitude: 400m above sea level
    Year of production:  2019/20
    Ingredients: 100% Extra virgin olive oil obtained in Italy from Moresca and Biancolilla olives harvested and pressed in Italy
    Storage: In a dark, cool and dry place, away from heat-producing appliances and bad odours. Once opened, minimize exposition to oxygen.
    Variety: Moresca and Biancolilla
    Colour: Green with hues of yellow
    Harvesting system: mechanical process through shaking of the trees
    Extraction method: continuous cold press system, within 12 hours of harvesting

Weight 0,9 kg